here is an mp3 from my favorite album right now [Why? - Elephant Eyelash].
i'm sure i'll play it out soon enough. but for now, i'm can't stop arockin'.
Why? Rubber Traits
anticon web
ah! here's something. anyone who talks to me, about music. will know that mugison is currently by and far my favorite artist. though his last album is already a year old. its just getting out in the states. here is a live video. as in a video of him playing live.
it's a little bit of a slow load.
hi! notice anything? anyways. i've been really busy. what with working an almost full time job. and producing a couple records, and doing alot with music related [though nothing to be seen untill next year] i just haven't been hunting around the web for mp3s. feel free to send me links to stuff you think is cool and i'll post them.. but for now i guess it's break time well i do some other stuff..