here, here is some nice j-indiepop. well, ok, its not really very indiepop. its pop, and not on a major. but its pretty much like pop pop. with some rap even. how dare they. its nice though.
no mp3s.. but 2 live videos! you have to get up and respect. mainly because Erinue has the "piko piko guns".
do i need to say more? if stuff like this was happening live in nyc.. i wouldn't be home to find this stuff.
so go to that link, then below "movie (quicktime)".. don't click on the "(quicktime). below that.
is that name even a word?
anyways. somekind of rock something here. really, another case of letting the mp3 speak for itself. it's good in an interesting way. though i'm not going to do back flips or anything like that. the drums are very nice indeed though. i guess maybe its sorta prog rockesk. or post rockesk.
Orewakonnamonjanai web.
first you have to love the name. second. i pretty much really like this.. witch could explain why they are now signed to minty fresh japan. this is from their release on sucre.
dreamy japanese synthpop. maybe like a more poppy less techno overrocket.
hands down, if you like synthpop. and you like japanese synth pop. i can't imagine you not liking this. it would be madness.. i'm going to now pat myself on the back for finding this mp3.
girls tape store web
i'm DJin' the opening for the new mumbleboy show at 55DSL in ny this week. april 14th
here's da info.
i don't know anything about "su:" other then this. there are 3 of them.
i'm a sucker for live drums though. mpc, some bass. cut n' paste vocals. "gnarl" is my fav of the 2.
very good.
so, i admit, this is how this works. i go to shugo's web page. and see who he's playing shows with. then i go to their web pages, and on and on. anyways. so shugo is going to go play a show with this group "golf". i don't know anything about them. are they super small? sorta noticed? where are they on the indie scale is what i'm saying. but forget all that. who cares. someone actually spent time and energy and made a real video!
and i like the video! so go watch it.
shit cakes on a corn-dog. a free Luminous Orange mp3!!!! [NOT to be confused with orange range. if you do.. i'll hunt you down and.. drown you in sugar.]
it's times like this that i really like the internet. i bumped into them once at other music. they were here for CMJ. i didn't know it was them until they left though. if you've ever been in other music. when i mean bump.
anyways. its probely for the better. i might have asked them to do a record for music related. witch i wouldn't have been able to afford. so maybe i lucked out?
well, if i had tried even harder, i would have looked at ECCY's website. and its all free mp3s
like this one. i like the MCs voice.
update well, some of them don't work. and the rest are instrumental.
i just found this. right after that last post. go figure. i'm not to sure what this is. its a remix of ECD song?
having not heard the original. i can't say. but its ironiclly done by a group called ECCY?
oh man, have i been slackin' off. ok, i have nothing really right now. 1 or 2 things i need to write into entries. but sometimes i'm just that lazy. hence why i'll never be a super blog, or blogger. but, this week i will go on the hunt for new mp3s. and i shall put them up. do not fret. there is enough legally free music for everyone.
oh! but since i can't help but promote. the new shugo tokumaru remix CDr is apparently available rightnow!
for next to free if you ask me.