oh what a treat!. i'm really excited about this.
there is a new world's end girlfriend album this year. the first in almost 3 years, and the web has treated us to a mp3 and a video for the same song. excellent!
we are the massacre QUICKTIME (36 mb)
i believe WEG helped on production on the newest eel album too [little prince].
oh, you can order the new WEG cd here.. for those outside of japan..
20$ shipped in the U.S.. pretty good. happy is a cool label imo.
well, so is 12k. was an early influence for me. his mid/late 90's techno 12" that is.
ok, now i'm not sure if WEG has anything to do with the newest Eel album.. anyone? anyone?
Posted by: trevor at May 19, 2005 7:04 PMWhoah. That's a moving music video. Thanks for sharing^^ "we are the massacre..."
Posted by: voxie at June 1, 2005 8:08 PMI think WEG remixed one of the tracks on the Eel album. The track was "I'm Crying on a Straight Road". I'm not sure if he did anything else on the album though.
Posted by: tokyolunch at June 6, 2005 2:13 PMyes, i apparently just wasn't trying. WEG only remixed 1 song. as mentioned above. thats about it that i know of. otherwise the album really does just sounds like miky-chu, with more eel. [as eel appears on the last milky-chu record]
Posted by: trevor at June 9, 2005 5:00 PMThat video reminded me of when I went investigating ogrish.com out of curiosity. Needs an advisory rating for weak-stomachs like my own.
Posted by: johnty at June 20, 2005 9:15 AM