from the tonic website.
Since 1998 Tonic has been a haven for creative music. We have helped nurture the vital community of musicians and audiences who keep this music alive. Now we are in danger of closing and ask you to help us keep Tonic alive.
Over the past few years we have suffered a series of blows: our rent has doubled since 1998, our insurance costs have tripled, we’ve been robbed, and we’ve been plagued by the expense of maintaining a building in ill repair – including the collapse of our main sewer line.
Any of these things would be challenging on their own but together they’ve taken a more serious toll and we are now facing the threat of eviction.
A number of outstanding musicians have come forward to help save Tonic and throughout February we will be holding a series of fundraising concerts. If Tonic has been an important venue to you, we ask that you please attend as many of these concerts as possible.
Those who cannot attend but would like to help, please consider making a contribution.
For Tonic to survive we will need to raise a upwards of $100,000 in the next few weeks.
Only with your support can Tonic continue playing its role in presenting this important music to its fans.
Our deepest thanks.
What you can do:
attend the benefit concerts
contact us about making a contribution (
coming soon: make a contribution online
spread the word
Posted by trevor at February 1, 2005 4:28 PM digg this