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July 24, 2007
i love music so much
i forget to make my own, and just listen to others. instead of doing my normal recommend. though i do recommend these. i shall link to mp3s from the labels sites. then you can do what you want about that. i feel better about it. and i highly recommend this music.
i posted the lucky dragons as an influence a couple back. well did you now they had a new long play lasy year? i didn't. only their 2nd long play.
check out this bitching track.. you can buy this find CD or LP from marriage records.
my other love was suggested to me by le fiasko. "Frisk Frugt". i'll run out and buy anything they (le fiasko) recommends to me. but! it was only available as a LP.. now, i love vinyl. don't get me wrong. but because i have so many CDs in my room from, well, CD collecting, AND music related. it had to go for space reasons. i was heartbroken. i could not hear this record. once again.. BUT! i wrote the label. (out of denmark).. and you can download it from othermusic's digital store. great! i had it within a couple minutes, and i love it. check out this fine piece of music. and this one too. as fair warning. some of the album does just evolve into noise. sometimes its old drum machine and lofi instruments and harmonised singing. there is no law in frisk frugt land.. love it.
Posted by trevor at July 24, 2007 3:48 PM