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May 20, 2007
recommended 05.20.07
there is not so much, anything *new* here. just good. and releases i think got over looked even by me. i'll admit i was openly critical of kahimi karie's latest album "nunki".. and i stand by it. it's over all a weak outing. mostly because its so close to being good. but they/she wussed out.. and pulled back the weird.. and we're left with what could have been, verse what is. dwayne sodahberk's CD "cut open", i can always listen to, and always think, "this sounds great!" and i end up singing along to most of it. talk about hooks. but was probably largely ignored because its basicly an guitar pop record, but and electronics guy. the music industry isn't set up to deal with such situations. and stina nodenstam's last album. it took forever for me to like this album. and it still is no "this is..". but its good. it never got widly released in the US. (i feel).. anyways. thats that.
kahimi karie "sono hoka ni" from "nunki"
dwayne sodahberk "open cuts" from "cut open"
stina nodenstam "the morning belongs to the night" from "the world is saved"
Posted by trevor at May 20, 2007 11:57 AM
does "recommended 05.30.07" mean we should wait 5 more days to listen to them?
Posted by: mumbles at May 25, 2007 3:48 AM
yes.... =\
i wonder what i ment to write?
Posted by: trevor at May 25, 2007 10:19 AM