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March 14, 2007
recommended: 03.14.07
Midori Hirano is a friend of mine. i can't say close. because we live on the other sides of the planet. but, thats never stopped me before. her debut CD came out a couple months back on one of my favorite labels "noble records". its good and have been enjoying it recently.
i don't know anything at all about Gavouna. hell, i downloaded it (it, being the album "Strings & Drum Machines). so i don't have any liner notes to even look at. i've had it for awhile. but i forget how long. but recently it hit my play list and i have been really enjoyng it. check 'em out.
Midori Hirano "Inori" from "Lush Rush"
Gavouna "Three" from "Strings & Drum Machines"
Posted by trevor at March 14, 2007 7:34 PM